By Nourman Med
There is much on the news these days about the Apple Iphone. Considering the fact that the sales of these phones were stratospheric makes the advancement of the Apple iphone an incredibly newsworthy event. There is good reason for this because the purpose of the iphone is to combine a series of separate media and communications items into one package: the mobile phone, email, widescreen iPod, etc. This makes the item quite an attractive package as not only do the technological advances of the iphone make it quite the convenient product, but it also proves to be a highly cost effective product as well. After all, instead of having to purchase separate items all one has to do is purchase the iphone. This will clearly prove to be a cost saver right off the bat.
Of course, despite all the media attention to the iphone many people are unsure of what it is actually that the iphone can do and what the value of the iphone actually is. This is not the fault of the media as reporting on the advancement and sales of the iphone does not include extensive, 20 minute public relations explanations of the phone. As such, it becomes important to perform additional research in order to understand the purpose and value of the phone. This then begs the question as to where to go for information.
The Primary Source of Apple Iphone Information
Probably the best place to go if you are looking for information on the Apple Iphone would be to head to the Apple Iphone homepage. (Please see The reason for this is pretty obvious: the website is loaded with all the comprehensive information that is necessary for understanding what the product does. In fact, the site also contains a fairly comprehensive video presentation that details the iphone in great depth. The presentation of the Apple Iphone in a multimedia fashion also provides a quick and easy manner in which to understand the product. It was a wise move by Apple to present such a media presentation for all to access. It definitely shows confidence in the product.
One Caveat
If there was one caveat to mention in regards to reading about the iphone on Apple's website it would be the fact that Apple is only going to present the product in glowing terms and from a sales perspective. As such, the presentational will be purely informational in nature which is fine to a certain degree.
About Author
Nourman Medd is creator of website If you are interested to read more article about iphone, please feel free to visit that website.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Different Kinds of Rumored Problems and Iphone Issues
By Nourman Medd
Apple has just recently released its latest innovation, the iPhone. This is a mobile phone that is capable of taking digital still pictures with its 2 mega pixel camera and capable of internet browsing using EDGE ad Wi-Fi technology. It has many innovations that are integrated into it and ever since it came out many problems and iphone issues have started popping up in forums.
Several Iphone Issues
One of the major iphone issues that have plagued it since it came out is its battery life. Some of the owners of the iPhone have encountered batteries that do not or can not charge. Basically, the batter is a dud even before you started using it. These kinds of iphone issues can be dealt with by calling the hotline and describing your iphone issues. Regarding the batteries, the company would advise you to send back the iPhone unit and they will replace the battery. They usually check it first for any tampering or untoward use and damage before they declare it a factory defect and announce you do not have to pay them for the new battery.
Other iphone issues that are more common are when the phone freezes or does not respond or you can not seem to answer a call. A call to customer service usually yields a reset solution which requires you to reset your phone by holding down both the home button and the power button. This usually solves the problem and now you know what to do in case it does it again.
Another one of the more glaring iphone issues is the need for the newer version of iTunes which sometimes does not recognize the iPhone. All you have to do is to keep on trying and praying that the iTunes will finally get your iPhone right.
Basically, all the iphone issues that may arise are better off if they arise earlier than later so that you have time to swap iPhones at AT&T or Apple. Some of the iphone issues can be resolved by just reading the manual; some people do not take time to study the manual which results in a waste of time and effort. It is better to read the manual carefully so you will know what to expect from your iPhone and how to resolve iphone issues.
If worse comes to worst, call the Apple hotline to talk to a customer service representative regarding your iphone issues and how to resolve them.
About Author
Nourman Medd is creator of website If you are interested to read
more article about iphone please feel free to visit that website.
Apple has just recently released its latest innovation, the iPhone. This is a mobile phone that is capable of taking digital still pictures with its 2 mega pixel camera and capable of internet browsing using EDGE ad Wi-Fi technology. It has many innovations that are integrated into it and ever since it came out many problems and iphone issues have started popping up in forums.
Several Iphone Issues
One of the major iphone issues that have plagued it since it came out is its battery life. Some of the owners of the iPhone have encountered batteries that do not or can not charge. Basically, the batter is a dud even before you started using it. These kinds of iphone issues can be dealt with by calling the hotline and describing your iphone issues. Regarding the batteries, the company would advise you to send back the iPhone unit and they will replace the battery. They usually check it first for any tampering or untoward use and damage before they declare it a factory defect and announce you do not have to pay them for the new battery.
Other iphone issues that are more common are when the phone freezes or does not respond or you can not seem to answer a call. A call to customer service usually yields a reset solution which requires you to reset your phone by holding down both the home button and the power button. This usually solves the problem and now you know what to do in case it does it again.
Another one of the more glaring iphone issues is the need for the newer version of iTunes which sometimes does not recognize the iPhone. All you have to do is to keep on trying and praying that the iTunes will finally get your iPhone right.
Basically, all the iphone issues that may arise are better off if they arise earlier than later so that you have time to swap iPhones at AT&T or Apple. Some of the iphone issues can be resolved by just reading the manual; some people do not take time to study the manual which results in a waste of time and effort. It is better to read the manual carefully so you will know what to expect from your iPhone and how to resolve iphone issues.
If worse comes to worst, call the Apple hotline to talk to a customer service representative regarding your iphone issues and how to resolve them.
About Author
Nourman Medd is creator of website If you are interested to read
more article about iphone please feel free to visit that website.
The Dawning of the Iphone
By Nourman Medd
The iphone is an awesome expansion in the ability for individuals to communicate. While some may dismiss the advent of the iphone as a common electronics leisure item designed to appeal to those with a need for high tech ‘toys’, the reality of the matter is that the expansion of any form of communicative device has great potential beyond mere leisure and can contribute greatly to the infrastructure of the economic stability of a nation.
Now, this may seem on the surface to be a bold statement, but in reality it is a somewhat reserved statement considering the fact that all we need to due is look at human history to see how tremendous the impact of the advent of communications devices. In the 1860’s, people learned of the Lincoln/Douglas debates by their reprinting of their words in newspapers. Now, what is more effective – reprinting speeches in a newspaper or watching the speeches unfold on television.
Then again, look at television for that matter. Once considered an obscene leisure item that offered little value, television is now the primary means (for better or for worse) in which people receive their news and information. The advent and expansion of any form of communicative device can have a huge impact. When a device such as the iphone comes along and dramatically combines separate (and formerly bulky) communications devices into one package, the impact can not be anything less that wildly dramatic.
The Impact of the Iphone on Business
A business needs to move quickly in order to maximize its profit potential. In other words, anything that contributes to lag time or a slowing down of the ability of a business to move about its, well, business keeps the business from driving its resources towards where it will generate maximum income.
For example, relying on receiving snail mail letters for important requested information is far, far less than desirable than email because the wait time on reception of a letter can be three days while a email is delivered in split seconds. There is not comparison between the two. With snail mail, up to three days of productivity can be lost. With the iphone and its resultant impact, the ability to speed up productivity is significantly magnified.
As such, the impact of the iphone on business can never be underestimated and in a short amount of time the massive positive effects of it on businesses will clearly become self apparent. In that regard, the iphone clearly endorses it self quite well in terms of stimulating purchasing interest.
About Author
Nourman Medd is creator of website If you are interested to read
more article about iphone, please feel free to visit that website.
The iphone is an awesome expansion in the ability for individuals to communicate. While some may dismiss the advent of the iphone as a common electronics leisure item designed to appeal to those with a need for high tech ‘toys’, the reality of the matter is that the expansion of any form of communicative device has great potential beyond mere leisure and can contribute greatly to the infrastructure of the economic stability of a nation.
Now, this may seem on the surface to be a bold statement, but in reality it is a somewhat reserved statement considering the fact that all we need to due is look at human history to see how tremendous the impact of the advent of communications devices. In the 1860’s, people learned of the Lincoln/Douglas debates by their reprinting of their words in newspapers. Now, what is more effective – reprinting speeches in a newspaper or watching the speeches unfold on television.
Then again, look at television for that matter. Once considered an obscene leisure item that offered little value, television is now the primary means (for better or for worse) in which people receive their news and information. The advent and expansion of any form of communicative device can have a huge impact. When a device such as the iphone comes along and dramatically combines separate (and formerly bulky) communications devices into one package, the impact can not be anything less that wildly dramatic.
The Impact of the Iphone on Business
A business needs to move quickly in order to maximize its profit potential. In other words, anything that contributes to lag time or a slowing down of the ability of a business to move about its, well, business keeps the business from driving its resources towards where it will generate maximum income.
For example, relying on receiving snail mail letters for important requested information is far, far less than desirable than email because the wait time on reception of a letter can be three days while a email is delivered in split seconds. There is not comparison between the two. With snail mail, up to three days of productivity can be lost. With the iphone and its resultant impact, the ability to speed up productivity is significantly magnified.
As such, the impact of the iphone on business can never be underestimated and in a short amount of time the massive positive effects of it on businesses will clearly become self apparent. In that regard, the iphone clearly endorses it self quite well in terms of stimulating purchasing interest.
About Author
Nourman Medd is creator of website If you are interested to read
more article about iphone, please feel free to visit that website.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Why Do You Need To Have an iPhone?
Ever since the introduction of the Apple iPhone, there has been a huge public response to this product. Millions of people are proclaiming the wonders and beauty of this cell phone, iPod, calendar and mobile Internet device. However, the real question is, why do you need to have an iPhone? Of course, it seems that it is a great product because it streamlines your electronic productivity and allows you to have many products wrapped up into one, but what are the real perks to having an iPhone? The answer to this question really depends on who you ask. However, there are many actual reasons why the iPhone is a great purchase.
The first reason why having an iPhone is a good idea is because it helps to streamline your life. There is no denying that many of us live a very hectic and extremely busy life. We rarely have time to relax, nonetheless running around the house looking for your cell phone, iPod and PDA. However, when you have an iPhone you are actually getting all of these electronics, in one slim and sophisticated product. Many people who used to carry around two or three electronic devices are thrilled at how easy and convenient their iPhone actually is.
They no longer have to worry about running out of pocket space for your mobile devices, thus they are able to move throughout their life without having to worry about leaving their iPod at their friends house or their cell phone at the restaurant. With the iPhone, everything is packaged in a beautiful, and one-of-a-kind, device.
Another reason why you actually need an iPod is because you are able to have the world at your fingertips, literally. Unlike other cell phones, which allow you to look at a dumb-down version of the Internet, with the iPhone, you are actually surfing the net. If you have never been able to access the Internet while sitting in traffic, or looking up your friend's MySpace profile on a whim, than you do not understand how great it is to be able to access the World Wide Web on a moments notice. This constant availability to information is a great feature, and once you have it you will never want to own an internet-less cell phone again.
Because so many of us have jobs across town, and friends that live on the other side of the city, we are always in our cars. But what happens when you are asked to go somewhere, and you don't know where it's at? Normally, you get on the Internet and MapQuest it, however, if you have an iPhone, than accurate directions to any destination is only a few 'taps' away. When you have an iPhone, than you automatically gain access to the powerful mapping service, Google Maps, and it is with this application you can find your local pizza joint, Starbucks or even Public Library. One of the coolest features is not the fact that you can get directions to this location, but you can also call them too.
Say you typed in "Starbucks," you would then be shown the closest Starbucks to where you are currently at. You can then call them and place your order, or ask them questions about their coffee. Very rarely will you find a device that not only connects you to your world, but also brings you closer to it. With technology seemingly pushing the "world" further away, it is extremely refreshing to find a mobile device that connects you with those around you in such a dynamic way.
The first reason why having an iPhone is a good idea is because it helps to streamline your life. There is no denying that many of us live a very hectic and extremely busy life. We rarely have time to relax, nonetheless running around the house looking for your cell phone, iPod and PDA. However, when you have an iPhone you are actually getting all of these electronics, in one slim and sophisticated product. Many people who used to carry around two or three electronic devices are thrilled at how easy and convenient their iPhone actually is.
They no longer have to worry about running out of pocket space for your mobile devices, thus they are able to move throughout their life without having to worry about leaving their iPod at their friends house or their cell phone at the restaurant. With the iPhone, everything is packaged in a beautiful, and one-of-a-kind, device.
Another reason why you actually need an iPod is because you are able to have the world at your fingertips, literally. Unlike other cell phones, which allow you to look at a dumb-down version of the Internet, with the iPhone, you are actually surfing the net. If you have never been able to access the Internet while sitting in traffic, or looking up your friend's MySpace profile on a whim, than you do not understand how great it is to be able to access the World Wide Web on a moments notice. This constant availability to information is a great feature, and once you have it you will never want to own an internet-less cell phone again.
Because so many of us have jobs across town, and friends that live on the other side of the city, we are always in our cars. But what happens when you are asked to go somewhere, and you don't know where it's at? Normally, you get on the Internet and MapQuest it, however, if you have an iPhone, than accurate directions to any destination is only a few 'taps' away. When you have an iPhone, than you automatically gain access to the powerful mapping service, Google Maps, and it is with this application you can find your local pizza joint, Starbucks or even Public Library. One of the coolest features is not the fact that you can get directions to this location, but you can also call them too.
Say you typed in "Starbucks," you would then be shown the closest Starbucks to where you are currently at. You can then call them and place your order, or ask them questions about their coffee. Very rarely will you find a device that not only connects you to your world, but also brings you closer to it. With technology seemingly pushing the "world" further away, it is extremely refreshing to find a mobile device that connects you with those around you in such a dynamic way.
Friday, March 14, 2008
An Introduction To The Features Of The iPhone

The iPhone is an amazing new piece of technology with many capabilities. Though some have criticized Apple's first version of their mobile phone, nobody can complain that the gadget is lacking in function and style.
Though there will undoubtedly be many updates made to the Apple iPhone that will improve, enhance, and add to its existing functions, the device remains amazingly useful and diverse as it is. As far as function goes, the Apple iPhone is top notch.
The Touch Screen
The iPhone features a 3.5 inch touch screen with a resolution of 320 x 480 pixels at 160 ppi. The screen is liquid crystal display and is covered by optical-quality glass, making it extremely compatible for use with a single finger, or even with multiple fingers.
In fact, that is the only way that the user can interact with the device. A stylus is not needed to make selections on the screen, nor can one be used. It is required that bare skin is used to interact with the screen.
One of the features the touch screen includes is a virtual keyboard, which includes a dictionary and spell check. Scrolling is used to move back and forth through various menus and windows. Multi-touch sensing allows the user to zoom in and out of websites and photo albums by "pinching" the touch screen in between two fingers.
The Phone
The phone function of the iPhone has multiple capabilities. The phone enables conference calls, caller ID, call merging, visual voicemail, and text messaging. By partnering with AT&T, Apple has been able to incorporate many unique features in the iPhone.
The Camera And Other Multimedia
With a built in 2.0 mega pixel camera, the iPhone has the ability to take still digital pictures. However, it is not able to record videos. The photo software that accompanies the phone allows the user to upload their pictures, as well as view and send the photos.
Part of the phone's appeal is the incorporation of the iPod. Very much like the fifth generation iPods, which were introduced in 2005, the iPhone has a music library which can be sorted in various ways. Additionally, the device can play video. This enables the user to view both TV shows and movies.
Internet And Email
The iPhone can connect to the Internet in one of three different ways. It can use Wi-Fi, EDGE, or Bluetooth 2.0. However, the gadget is not able to support Java or Flash technology, making it difficult to view certain websites.
The email function on the iPhone is able to be synched with Apple's mail application, as well as with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Entourage. It can support email attachments of various formats, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and PDF files.
The Wonderful World Of Technology
Despite the few complaints that consumers have had regarding the iPhone, the device continues to be an amazing display of the many technological advancements that have been made in this world.
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